Allnet.Italia, a high value-add independent distributor and TECNEL, a leading company in the integration of wireless solutions and advanced systems for mobile alarm reporting, developed an ad hoc solution for reliable, safe and efficient maritime communications based on Spectralink technology for SAIPEM, a leading Italian oilfield multinational. SAIPEM provides an advanced technological and engineering platform for the design…
Allnet.Italia, a high value-add independent distributor and TECNEL, a leading company in the integration of wireless solutions and advanced systems for mobile alarm reporting, developed an ad hoc solution for reliable, safe and efficient maritime communications based on Spectralink technology for SAIPEM, a leading Italian oilfield multinational. SAIPEM provides an advanced technological and engineering platform for the design, construction and operation of safe and sustainable complex infrastructure and plants. As part of its operations, SAIPEM handles and transports fuels over sea via its large and technologically advanced drilling, construction, heavy lift and pipelay naval fleet. Due to the highly hazardous nature of the materials that it handles, SAIPEM called on trusted partners TECNEL and Allnet.Italia to help them equip eight of their main ships with a communication system that would enable reliable, seamless, crystal clear DECT voice communications with no black out spots between all those aboard the ship. SAIPEM also needed to ensure that devices were ATEX certified so there would be no risk of ignition on board due to sparks within devices. Finally, SAIPEM was also looking to virtualise some of its servers to reduce hardware and related maintenance costs and standardize DECT communications across the fleet. Driven by Allnet.Italia’s distribution experience and TECNEL’s value-add system design expertise, the partners identified in Spectralink the ideal enterprise solutions provider for this complex environment. “We selected TECNEL’s Spectralink and Allnet.Italia- based solution as it stood head and shoulders above competitors in terms of DECT experience and support levels both pre-sales, and after sales,” confirms Valeria Calvaruso, Operational Connectivity Manager in the Asset Based Services Vessel Division at SAIPEM. The rollout covers six physical Spectralink 6500 servers as well as two VIP Virtual Server One servers and 130 handsets. TECNEL also developed a casing called “SRB-IP-ATEX” for DECT cells which allows their positioning in hazardous areas and is compliant with ATEX regulations. In addition to this, to ensure coverage throughout the ship, 300 Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations were supplied. “Spectralink is our go-to partner for DECT and we have integrated the protocol within our mobile alarm reporting systems,” explains Franco Boero, Product Marketing and Account manager, “We felt confident providing Spectralink handsets along with their top-class infrastructure because their enterprise-grade devices are the best suited to tough environments.” In addition to this, Spectralink DECT solutions offer the maritime environment additional benefits, “Because licenced DECT frequencies change in different territories, ships, travelling from waters under one jurisdiction to another may find themselves in an area where their DECT frequency is occupied: for example, in Europe a 1.8GHz carrier frequency is used, while in the USA it is a 1.9GHz carrier frequency. By using Spectralink DECT solutions, ships are able to switch DECT frequencies as they change territory and continue using their DECT frequencies seamlessly as they sail,” adds Roberto Cherchi, Business Development Manager at Allnet.Italia.
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