Dungeon Defenders 2 Update 2.16 Released for Shifting Sands This June 29

2022-07-02 01:36:23 By : Ms. vicky liao

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Trendy Entertainment has rolled out Dungeon Defenders 2 update 2.16, which is for the Shifting Sands title update! This brings in a new region, new maps, a new boss and more! Check out everything new in the official Dungeon Defenders 2 June 29 patch notes.

New Region – Tornado Valley

Fans of other Dungeons Defenders games will instantly recognize our newest DD2 region: Tornado Valley. This region will have 2 new maps, and a new region specific enemy, a brand new boss fight. Make sure to stay hydrated as you attempt to weather the brutal lands of Tornado Valley!

New Region Specific Enemy – The Windshaper

The Windshapers have spent years training to master control over the air, allowing them to send devastating tornadoes towards players that pierce and knock up players in their path. Be warned though, they are not as frail as they may seem and will not be defeated so quickly.

New Boss – The Genie King 

Deep within Tornado Highlands lies the lamp of a familiar foe…but it has been entirely corrupted by the Old Ones’ magic! This iteration of the Genie King can inflict a variety of crippling debuffs with its attacks, so be careful…

In an effort to spice things up, as well as help out some of our favorite heroes that needed that extra little boost, we have made some changes to some of their towers and abilities. We’ve wanted these heroes to be unique in their own right for a while, where they have their own unique kits but are still similar to the Monk and Apprentice. Now, we think we have struck just the right balance. Keep reading to see if your favorite hero was affected.

Note: The Adept and Initiate’s price will increase to 10,000 Defender Medals/1,500 Gems. This increase will take effect after 2 weeks, during this time they will both be on sale for 8,000 Defender Medals/1,000 Gems.

Firework Cannon (40 DU) – Replaces Boost Aura. Shoots up to three fireworks at different enemies within range, dealing damage in a large area.

Chi Spirit Tower (50 DU) – Replaces Sky Guard Tower. A spectral copy of the Initiate fires piercing Chi waves that damages and cripples enemies, increasing their damage taken.

Frost Strikes Aura (20 DU) – Replaces Lightning Strikes Aura. Deals powerful frost damage to a single enemy within its radius.

Tesla Coil (50 DU) – Replaces Arcane Barrier. Generates arcing electricity that chains to multiple targets at once.

Crystal Hammer (50 DU) – Replaces Earthshatter Tower. Slams the ground, sending a line of damaging crystalline spikes forward and hitting all enemies in a line.

New Appeasement Tiers The buffs originally granted by Appeasement were overly complicated and not very well explained. These new buff tiers are simpler while still rewarding the Mystic for remaining at high Appeasement while providing more or less the same power as before.

Serpent’s Coil – Allowed as many Serpent’s Coils to be placed as DU allows. Added collision so they can be damaged by enemies. Can now be upgraded like other towers. Added Tower Health to Serpent Coil Talent 

Snaking Sands – Detach damage from the stun so Snaking Sands can still damage enemies affected by Elder Wyverns or Headstrong. Buffed damage by 50%.

Sand Vipers – Increased base number of beams from 1 to 3. Beam ramping damage now properly scales with upgrades.

Viper’s Fangs – Damage dealt by this tower has been moved from the bubble pop and rain effects to the initial hit. The bubble attack also slightly knocks enemies back in addition to its knockup effect.

Obelisk – Removed Upgrade and Appeasement requirements from Obelisk buffs to simplify its usage.

Snake Zealot Chip Mod – Reworked due to being made irrelevant by Serpent’s Coil.

New Talent: Poison Damage – Dark Torment and lash out poison damage increased by x%

New Passive – Series EV2 can now double jump and hover in the air afterwards. 

Anti Gravity Bots – Now home towards enemies exploding on contact.

Holographic Decoy – Replaces Death from Above. EV2 leaps backwards, leaving a decoy behind that taunts nearby enemies for a few seconds. As it expires, the decoy explodes and damages nearby enemies.

Aerial Mastery Shard – Reworked due to Death from Above being replaced. New Effect: Increases movement speed while flying by x. Dryad may now also equip this Shard.

Secondary Attack – Dash now pierces through enemies.

Inflame/Harden – Has now been consolidated into a single ability, Inflamed. Inflamed reduces damage taken, taunts nearby enemies, and increases speed and damage for a period of time.

Tectonic Breaker (Shard) – Reworked due to above change. New effect: While inflamed, deal x% armor stat as earth damage and y% hero damage as fire damage every 3rd primary attack.

Charged Restoration (new Shard) – Charged secondary attacks restore x mana. Can only activate once per second.

For a look at the new skins and bundles, check out the official forum post for the title update.

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