Someone may have intentionally caused a gas leak leading to a house explosion in Madeira Wednesday, officials said.
A man was taken to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center after crews pulled him from the basement of the house, the Madeira and Indian Hill Joint Fire District said in a statement.
"Our initial findings indicate that the gas leak and ignition may have been intentional," the statement said.
Fire crews responded to the home on Apache Circle just after 1 a.m. for a report of a natural gas smell. Around the same time, police were called to the scene for a domestic dispute.
Five additional fire departments were called to the house to assist and Duke Energy crews secured the gas and electric services.
"Damage to the residence from the explosion was extreme, but there was very little fire," the statement said.
Only the man in the basement was injured.
The Madeira police along with the Hamilton County fire investigation unit and sheriff's office are investigating.