Washington wants to defend the U.S. against climate change—but not quite as much as legislators want to secure U.S. interests against China.
On Sunday, the Democrats’s climate bill, dubbed the Inflation Reduction Act, passed the Senate after an all-night “vote-a-rama” to include or reject amendments. The bill unlocks over $300 billion in spending on green energy and climate reform, including funding for consumer tax credits to offset the costs of electric vehicles.
However, the bill stipulates that, to qualify for the tax credit, EV makers must complete vehicle assembly in North America and source a significant percentage of battery components (including metals like lithium, nickel and cobalt) from countries that have free trade agreements with the U.S.
China, the world’s largest producer of those vital components, does not have a free trade agreement with the U.S. And in case the bill’s intention to cut China out of the U.S. EV supply chain wasn’t clear enough, a separate provision excludes vehicles made with critical materials that are produced by a “foreign entity of concern,” including China, starting in 2024.
According to industry group the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, the Inflation Reduction Act’s initial provisions on sourcing and manufacturing would render 70% of U.S. electric vehicles ineligible for the tax credits. Once the clause outlawing supplies from China goes into effect, no vehicles will be eligible.
“Unfortunately, the EV tax credit requirements will make most vehicles immediately ineligible for the incentive. That’s a missed opportunity at a crucial time and…will also jeopardize our collective target of 40-50% electric vehicle sales by 2030,” said John Bozzella, president and CEO of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation.
Automakers lobbied Senators to relax the sourcing limitations ahead of it passing the Senate without any luck. Last week, Sen. Joe Manchin (D–W. Va)—whose support was pivotal in the bill passing at all—told reporters he “[doesn’t] believe that we should be building a transportation mode on the backs of foreign supply chains.”
“Tell [automakers] to get aggressive and make sure that we’re extracting in North America, we’re processing in North America and we put a line on China,” Manchin said.
Automakers are already increasing production capacity for battery processing in the U.S., but the timeline set by the Senate through the Inflation Reduction Act might be too aggressive.
Simon Moores, chief executive of lithium market analyst Benchmark, said in a note last week that “it is almost impossible that any Fair Trade Alliance countries—of which Australia and Chile are the stand out—could fill China’s raw material gap for the USA’s EV demand between now and 2024.”
Moores estimates it will take “the best part of this decade” to establish a sufficient supply chain in the U.S. Yet it remains unclear whether the consumer tax credits—offering a maximum $7,500 rebate on SUVs that cost less than $80,000 or sedans under $55,000—are a sufficient incentive for automakers to even bother investing in de-Sinicizing their supply chains.
The Inflation Reduction Act will stop providing consumer cash back on EVs after 2032—which is about when the U.S. might have developed supply chains sufficient enough to circumvent China.
Lobby groups suggest lawmakers push back their timeline for eliminating China-sourced materials from EV supply chains and extend the tax credits further into the next decade to provide automakers more reasonable incentives. Otherwise lawmakers risk gutting a key provision of their own climate bill for the sake of deepening a division with China.
Eamon Barrett greeninc.news@gmail.com @eamonbarrett88
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