Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG
45472 Mülheim /Ruhr - Germany
Enable cabinet-free operating and installation concepts
Position measurement for hydraulic cylinders in mobile equipment
Absolute and relative versions with IO-Link
Compact HMI/PLC systems and robust IP67 block I/O solutions with Codesys controller bring intelligence directly to the machine. Read more in the new issue of the customer magazine more@TURCK
On the safety side of the Profinet/Profisafe module, the user has two safety inputs for connecting different safety sensors such as light curtains or emergency-stop buttons
The IP67 hybrid modules can be adapted flexibly to the specific signal requirement in the machine and can help users to implement space saving and inexpensive wiring of their machines
For mobile machines and industrial applications
Encoders enable the wear-free detection of rotation on electric winches for the Reimerswaal trailing suction hopper dredger
High user friendliness with teach buttons and LED back end
Comparison between quick disconnect and hard-wiring systems
New series transfers data and up to 12 Watts of power without contact
With a voltage/current output
RFID system is ensuring the correct allocation of components in engine production
EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP and PROFINET
Remote I/O in Irish distillery
Angled or straight M8 or M12
Processes Profinet IO, Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP
Bicycle supplier automates control and surveillance of their inner bearings production with RFID system
Include models for Ex-zone applications
RFID system in box conveyer application
For workplaces and control cabinets
For standard applications in machine-building
For power & signal transmissions up to 42A/600V
Streicher uses ATEX-certified, inductive Namur-sensors from Turck for its offshore drilling rig
Developed for Parker Hannifin valves
Directly installable on metal, 10 mm switching
in different types and designs
At the automatic baggage transportation system, inductive and optical sensors guarantee a smooth operation
provide analog or digital output
Verifying the position determination of a transport crane
up to 32 I/O channels
The selection of the materials used in automobile manufacturing is as great today as the expectations of the automobile purchasers
Ulrich Turck, Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG
Enable cabinet-free operating and installation concepts
The IP67 hybrid modules can be adapted flexibly to the specific signal requirement in the machine and can help users to implement space saving and inexpensive wiring of their machines
Encoders enable the wear-free detection of rotation on electric winches for the Reimerswaal trailing suction hopper dredger
Streicher uses ATEX-certified, inductive Namur-sensors from Turck for its offshore drilling rig
RFID system is ensuring the correct allocation of components in engine production
Bicycle supplier automates control and surveillance of their inner bearings production with RFID system
RFID system in box conveyer application
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