The myth of electrical socket covers that means parents are putting kids' lives at risk - Manchester Evening News

2022-05-28 19:10:44 By : Ms. Ann Hu

Electrician Steve Palmer says parents are still wrongly using the covers and exposed some common myths about them

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A dad's warning over the dangers of parents and carers using electrical socket covers has gone viral.

Dad-of-five and electrician Steve Palmer says many parents are unaware of the risk they are creating by using the plastic fittings to close up plug sockets.

Families used to be advised to use them to prevent babies and young children sticking their fingers inside the holes.

Now that advice has changed - but it seems the message isn't always getting through.

Speaking to the M.E.N's Manchester Family, Steve explained how grown ups are unwittingly putting young lives at risk by continuing to use them - and films his sons Preston and Jayden playing with them to prove his point.

In reality they can easily be removed by children and when they mess with them near the sockets - they effectively have a tool to activate the plug socket with.

Steve said: "I did the video to show that when kids mess with them, as my son demonstrates, they can easily be put in upside down with just the one plastic bit inside the top hole.

"It only needs that top pin to be pushed in for the bottom conductors to be exposed and that's where the danger comes in.

"The information about not using them is already out there but people don't seem to be getting the message.

"I've also spoken to people who have told me that the use of them is still being recommended, by Ofsted for example when they're looking at childcare settings."

Steve said there is an added danger from people using plastic covers with pins that are too big for the sockets. This can lead to overheating when the plug is put back in.

And he said it's also not true about little fingers reaching the parts inside a socket.

He added: "It's also a myth of babies being able to put their fingers in because the conductors are too far back. They just wouldn't be able to reach."

His Facebook post from his Bristol-based business JPS Electrical Services has been shared 25,000 times since he published it last week.

In it, he says: "You wouldn't provide your child with a screwdriver to play with around your home so STOP inserting a TOOL into your sockets that could potentially be the cause of serious harm or even the death of your child. They are far more intelligent and able than we give them credit for.

"If you know anyone with children or you have friends or family that look after your children then be sure that they have seen this video and understand the DANGER involved with using an electrical socket cover."

Commonly sold as safety accessories, socket covers are unregulated.

They come in many different sizes and shapes and therefore rarely fit sockets correctly.

Last year a safety alert was issued by the Department of Health highlighting the dangers of using them and calling for their removal from health and social care settings.

Ofsted has no official position on the use of socket covers and does not refer to them in guidance for inspectors.

An Ofsted spokesperson told us: " It is for providers to identify and manage all risks in line with Early Years Foundation Stage requirements.

"Ofsted does not prescribe any particular method of managing risks, such as those arising from electrical sockets.”

However, advice from RoSPA is clear, stating: "13-amp power sockets made to BS 1363 incorporate a shutter mechanism, which prevents inappropriate access to the live connectors.

"RoSPA therefore does not consider it necessary to recommend the use of socket covers."

It does add that as yet there is 'no evidence' that using them has caused any injuries.